
Added: December 23rd, 2012
Recently, I've been working on my 2D artwork, specifically on designing creatures, drawing with more perspective, and my colouring/shading/design skills. Drawn, inked, coloured by me, using Paint Tool SAI. 

Added: December 23rd, 2012
I've drawn a number of these dragon type creatures and tried out a few different colour combinations and designs. The few I've deemed the best have been posted on my DeviantArt account if you wish to view more.

A Salarian from Mass Effect I drew and coloured in Photoshop CS4.
Salarians are the property of BioWare.

This is the finalized concept art as well as the UV map and diffuse for a pony in the style of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This is meant to be a pony version of myself. The original sketch can be found on the Sketches page, the final textured model can be found on the 3D - Characters page. 

Drawn, inked, coloured, and shaded on Photoshop Elements 7.0 and entirely my own work. It's been censored!

This is a circuit board I made from scratch in Photoshop CS3 using only effects/tools found in Photoshop. Tiling.

This is a naga I inked, coloured and shaded in Photoshop CS4. Concept art/line drawing and background are not my own.

This is an ogre I inked, coloured and shaded in Photoshop CS4. Concept art/line drawing is not my own.